
balance of things

My "schedule" routinely morphs, however unconscious the attempt. Today, I juggle relationships. Quality time with nephews and chosen friends, backlog of emails (& myspace) with good friends, convo-s at work or some interaction with another human being. Either way, I'm mildly overwhelmed. I remember a time when relationships were just one aspect of my obligations. People are not the burden rather personal expectations choke me into a state of panic. As I examine my life, layer by layer, I recognize the growth extending. Many changes are inside and slowly rise to the surface of my being. Other changes are external and digging their way down to my core. The latter are of significant wonderment, to me. How my disciplines and actions demand a change within... simply from doing (ex. voice lessons). However, my analytical approach to *ahem* character flaws starts with choices deep down. A decision to honestly take stock of myself. I'm pleased to see, too, that extremes need balance. My recognition of inner vs. outer will influence outer vs. inner. The ebb and flow of living. It's all a rhythmic heart beat. Rhythm is part of music. Music is part of theatre. Theatre is playing our part. No, I'm not very artistic :o)


recent kind words

You have such a deep willingness to explore who you are, who you were and who you want to become. I have never met anyone with your sense of self-reflection and self-analysis and it is both inspiring and painful. You have so much to say about your personality. The fact that you are constantly improving and bettering yourself is one of the great things about you.


Holy F**c*k!

http://www.typelogic.com/enfp.html this is a FREAKIN' amazing depiction! http://www.typelogic.com/entp.html hence my hero is Q - from Star Trek ;o) **the random-ness of my search comes from re reading my blog entries... namely: viewpoints/misunderstandings** YAY for the internet!


Trip of all trips

Hello! was it GREAT or what!?! Quarantined for 3 days out of 7. Stinkiest port in the Caribbean. Tyrants exposed in the family (that's me, by the way). Then a week on land - day in Disney / baby back ribs / tan worthy of the "lobster" phase. I brought both my cameras and about 7 rolls of film. Didn't take a single photograph. We had a digital camcorder. Let's just say we lost a lot of breath laughing and screaming! Personally, I further understand the need for inter-dependance. A house is only a home when love is involved. Our family loves one another in a strange and beautiful way. It was difficult - balancing my need for a vacation and the needs around me. My dad hoped we'd sort out our "issues". I felt cheapened by his alterior motives. Sick and wonderful. Assholes and angels. Music and pain. My family :o)

Pitbull on the rise

I like ripping into people. I feel like I've accomplished something different than "sweet and pleasant". ;o) It's nice as a CHANGE, only. As in a vent that explicitly runs through the core. I must tame the wild beast, however, since LOVE covers a multitude of sins. That is relating to my job - dealing with vendors. *ha hahhhhhhahahahahahah* I'm really liking my life. Thanks for the part "you" play :o)