

movin on ... and movin on ... and movin on ... and movin on! --- (Gorillaz) my mind is racing and my emotions are "crazy"-stopped up. wait = emotional constipation. what would my "fibre" intake consist of, then? hmmm. what generally concerns me: 1. God 2. family 3. friends 4. potential more-than-friends 5. plight of the world ooops! i'm supposed to add myself in there, somewhere. accentuate the positive... eliminate the negative... --- (artist unknown to me)



This site is seemingly obsolete, now - with myspace and other established forums incorporating a "blog". I still like it, though. Heading off to Ottawa, tomorrow afternoon. It's not even my singing debut. However, it's my debut of confidence. Oh, right... this is in regards to Canadian Idol. I doubt I can make it to the top but was jolted into the reminder of fear being my only obstacle. On that note, I'm practising my favourite tunes / being true to myself (makeup on the fly and clothing in a bag) / certain that "gosh darn-it, people like me" :o)


Christmas pix of the kids

Seb and Nebs - soooooo damn cute!



When it rains... it pours (men, that is). Just like water, they escape my grasp. Sincerely, I'm not obsessed. Nor am I overwrought. However, my state would accurately be described as pensive. "Mary pondered these things in her heart"... this is an attribute I want to develop. Yet, here I am blogging. I just want to trigger some headspace memories. A-ha! my very own personal code!!!