check out my newest blog edition - in the hopes of writing my first book!
Philosophical Drama Queen
From my Idealistic vantage... I want to change (or rule) the world. I figure the arts are a fantastic commentary on our world - love music (yes, even a bit of country) and creativity, in general. oh, and... I'm "spiritual".
MUSIC!!! is the best online radio
a) can rewind and fastforward (like a PVR) on real player.
b) selection is varied enough that I don't like EVERY single song... but when the good ones DO pop up (often enough to keep my happy)... I'm rewinding and singing / dancing and humming / simply put = enjoying!
This is a picture of me, at work, showing off my Grateful Dead gingerbread man.
Life is so fun. Scary and sad and complicated... but that makes it so worth being a part of.
Relationships are a different ballgame. They're not NECESSARY but certainly desired.
Living vs. Loving. Guess you're damned if you do and damned if you don't :o)