Rant about the Insurance Man
Ridiculous premiums for diddly-squat! "No-fault" insurance, in Ontario, means that each injured party goes through their own providing company. As a passenger - I still had to claim through my own insurance. As a rear-ended driver - repeat previous sentance. Now, ignore the three "convictions" for speeding (15 - 20 kms over) because the insurance broker has. I was informed that my "high risk" status was due to claims. I was impatient and my telepathy wasn't working too well. He pulls into the left side of the road and my assumption is that he's turning into the street, over there - can't be too certain, though, because there was no indicator. Carrying on my merry way AND THEN *bam*... I'm t-boned by the oldtimer, from out of town! My body has spasmed its muscles and demands physiotherapy with chiropractic care. Another claim. All things considered... the WORST part is that my psychotic rates don't include compensation for my car. *blah blah blah* it's safer to CEASE payments!