viewpoints / misunderstandings
a) i don't know how to "design" a webpage... so, this looks hokey. b) i forget that my random mind is not ALWAYS understood by others. c) my sarcasm may only be funny to me. This is coming from reading my profile info - after reading a few others. There is a discrepancy between what I mean to portray and what I eventually type. I like to think that I am funny with moments of brilliant insight. I also like to believe that my way is the enlightened one. *ha ha ha hahahah* It only takes a minute of "editing" to recognize that I'm intense, stubborn and opinionated at best. Not to say I don't like myself... just that I forget these charateristics. I figure, though, that I am open-minded and that cancels out stubborn. ~*~ trumping traits~*~ see! brilliance!!! Portrayal... portrait... self reflection. When I complete a self portrait, I imagine it will reveal a lot - to me. I anticipate, however, getting lost in the details - what colour to use, how "accurate" the depiction is, why this line or angle of shadow. Artistic impressionism... hopefully freeing my inhibitions. Which brings me to a recurring thought, today - is there a "better" personality? I love the Meyers Brigg descriptions (questions need to be updated, though). There's another test called "Life Languages" and originally, of courese, there was the Temperament Assessment. Each defines strengths and weaknesses rather than right and wrong. Personally, I figure which I want to be and answer the questions. This defeats the purpose. There has to be some sort of explanation or "this is common for the --such--&--such-- personality".
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