

There are friends and then there are Friends. We all have friends... people that we get along with; see them "often" enough. Hopefully, though, we're (each one) lucky enough to find Friends. These are those who irregardless of time, distance, age, stage or predicament - none of that matters. Their company brings understanding, ease and unhindered depths of conversation. Perhaps the distance and time freeze the other in our mind's eye and the reuniting awakens them to us. Much like a celebration of birthDays, christmasDay, civicDay - any DAY that's not with us week in, week out... special people are treats. These people are fantastic and catching up can take wonderful hours... oh! and reminiscing!!! Bringing us back to memories and shared joys or experiences. What BLISS! Yet, is it possible to experience this heightened sense each and every day? Or does the mundane prepare us for the extra-ordinary? I'd like to live on a plane of joy (deep seated, no matter what circumstance) that looks for the new. To express creatively, love. In the pursuit of learning different aspects of love, I appreciate, as appropriate, what another has to offer - looks, kindness, wisdom, passion (nice way of saying ANGER). People. I have to remain positive or I'd try to kill everyone (with my ideals)!


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